Tuesday: Interviews with the President and house inspections, quite the day! It’s so nice that Bertioga is in the middle of nowhere, they didn’t show up at our house until almost three so we really got the house pretty perfect, especially because we spent our p-day cleaning the it. We got a new iron because ours had an infestation of ants living in it. We have been working in a lot of different areas instead of just staying in the central part and we were in "mague seco" knocking doors and someone walked past us and I could tell he recognized us so I jumped on that as fast as I could and went and talked to him. We found out that he was baptized when he had 8 years and stayed active until 19, ended up not going on a mission, got a girl pregnant and fell away. Well most important and most sad, he had just returned from the burial service of his 37 year old daughter that morning. He said that he always missed the church but felt like he couldn’t come back but he said he prayed for help and 5 minutes later on his way home he passed us. Wow, don’t ever forget the importance of prayer and don’t ever forget who we are able to talk to. He listens; ALWAYS. It was such a testimony builder for me because he said he had never seen missionaries there and we haven’t been working there for very long but it all worked out, just because of a little prayer. We ended up giving him a Book of Mormon because he had lost his and marked to go back to talk to his wife because she isn’t a member. But wow again, I love my mission.
Wednesday: District meeting as usual and lunch with a less active family. We also talked to another investigator and found out that he hasn’t been going to church because he "is embarrassed because he doesn’t have nice clothes" but he is always disappearing for our appointments so I’m thinking he is just making stuff up.
Thursday: We had 2-8 marked with set appointments so we thought it was going to be full of lessons but well out of the 6 appointments we had marked, how many actually worked out…two. Fake addresses, people not home, we heard it all. Ouch, rough day.
Friday: A pretty solid day! I won a mega cheap watch. One of our investigators has a little game with a paper with scratch off numbers and if you scratch one of five numbers you win a watch and well I WON! I probably spent more on the stupid game than the watch was actually worth but hey I won so it was worth it. I also found out that fireflies (or vagalume) exist in Bertioga! That night our ward mission leader (LMA) had a barbeque for the ward and some politician so that meant free and food and plenty of contacts. We even got to take home some meat.
Saturday: We did a division with our District Leader and his companion and I went up to Boa Esperança! Wow, I miss normal sized areas! They had a little favela in their area so I missed Inamar! The Elder that I was with, a Brazilian, said my Portuguese was better than a lot of Americans with a year and six months so that was nice to hear. Missionaries always tell me I speak good Portuguese because they can see the process that we suffer through trying to learn this beast of a language but non members sometimes have a hard time understanding me because of my accent.
Sunday: I taught the principles of the Gospel class and well it turned out pretty smooth! Other than that it was a normal fast Sunday, bore my testimony and I bear my testimony every single day but standing in front of everyone and bearing it still isn’t easy. We had a baptism marked for a little girl in ward that asked me to baptize her but she has epilepsy and heart problems and well she got too excited about her baptism and her heart rate got too high and then crashed so she ended up in the hospital. It breaks my heart to see the things that she has to put up with. But people that have problems like hers can really feel the presence of the Spirit so much stronger because they are so close to God. I love you all so stay safe and keep the emails and letters coming!
com amor e caridade, ELDER GUBLER
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